I have a SI on quotes since... way too long haha. It can be any quote you want !
Personally... choosing a favorite quote is so, so difficult. But these 4 are definitively a part of my favorites :
1) "Je ne veux parler que de cinéma. Pourquoi parler d'autre chose ? Avec le cinéma on parle de tout, on arrive à tout." - Jean-Luc Godard
Translation : "I want to talk only about cinema. Why talking about something else ? With cinema we talk about anything, we achieve anything."
2) "How lucky I am to have something which make saying goodbye so hard." - Winnie the pooh
3) "They didn't know it was impossible. So they did it." - Mark Twain
4) "Movie are like an expensive form of therapy for me." - Tim Burton (and basically any quote by Burton)
If you want, I can write a post about all my favorite quotes ! It's gonna be (very) long and I will have to use my old computer (where I listed +50 quotes) but I would definitively enjoy it !
id say my favorite quote is "life is unbearably long but also frighteningly short" -Jenna Marbles
My favorite quote isn't anything inspirational I just think it's funny. It's from "Scott Pilgrim vs. the world".
Wallace Wells: "If you want something bad you have to fight for it. Step up your game, Scott break out the L word"
Scott: "...Lesbian"
Wallace Wells: "The other L word"
Scott: "...Lesbians"
I always laugh when I think back to it.