I just have to vent that it is so frustrating having all these ideas but not having the acquired skill to do it. Like I enjoy music a lot and I will have some song ideas, but I barely know how to make a beat. So I just write all these ideas down so that when I do have more of a grasp on making music, I can refer to that. Any of you guys do something like this?
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Let me tell you : when I was 18, I knew nothing about song composition. I had been playing the piano since more than 10 years (and I still do) but composition ? Singing ? Nothing at all. I tried, but I just couldn't.
One day, I saw that there was a composition internship of 1 week in my town. It costed quite a lot, but here you could learn how to write a whole song, so I gave it a try.
The first day, they were like : "here's the electric piano, here's Logic [a composition software] and here's the words that your song must contain [the words were literally "the sun"]. Play and write a song". And we were like ??? How the fuck ?? And they told us "try out things and you will see. Write the sentences and melodies you have in your head, no matter how good they are. Do not be afraid to try". So we did.
And guess what ? Within 1 week, we all had our song. Some of the people here didn't even know how to read music, but they still wrote a song, and all of the songs were quite good. This experience was definitively mind-blowing.
So yeah. Try out and you will see. When you start something complicated like song writing, you always expect an ideal method to do it, you always expect that one day someone will come and tell you "here's how you do it". But that's not how art works. Nobody really knows what they're doing, or if what they're doing is good : the important thing is to try.